Alright, hello everyone, thank you all for being here. Umm, we are going to wait just another minute or so to make sure that folks have all had time to sign in.
Alejandro Sanchez
05:01:42 PM
Hi Emily!
Brian Connor
05:01:43 PM
Hi Emily nice to meet you
Alberto Prieto Gonzalez
05:02:15 PM
Hi Emily!, nice to meet you
All right, thank you all for your patience. It looks like our registration numbers have about evened off. So in the interest of time, we can go ahead and get started. My name is Emily Vandy. I am the assistant director of admissions here at the Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs. Umm, first of all, thank you all for being here tonight. At least it's night time for me, whatever time of the day it is where you're coming from. Uh, we really appreciate you taking the time to tune in and join us over this next hour or so. I want to give you a better sense of who we are as a school, what it's like to.
A member of our community inside and outside the classroom. I'll talk about what opportunities look like for our students when it comes to some of that pre professional and hands on learning. And of course, I will end by talking about the admissions process and what we look for in our students. We will have plenty of time leftover for questions at the end, so if you do have those questions, please drop them in the question box. Along the way. We have one of our amazing current students, Alejandro, in the background who will be answering some of those questions. But again, I can take those at the end.
As well so the yield Jackson school has quite a long history of course, Yale is one of the oldest institutions of higher education in the United States and the Jackson school has been around in different shapes and forms since the 1940s but we really only became a school in 2022 and to be honest, I think that's one of our best strengths as a universities it means that we have access to the history and the connections of the greater Yale community, but it also means that when our leadership was developing the.
In school and what we wanted these academic programs to look like, we weren't bogged down in that history. You know, members of our leadership were really able to get together and to be creative to create a program that they saw as reflecting the needs in the current workforce and in the global affairs space. I've heard a few students like in the Jackson School in its degree types to, you know, being in a startup environment because it's so new and because there's so much room to take initiative and to create the education that you want, you know, if you as a student.
See something that the school is not doing that you would like to happen? We are always open to those ideas and for students to really make this a place that is their own and the flexibility is core at the center of that degree. So it's something that's really woven into both of our degrees. So the first degree, the one that will talk the most about is our two year MPP or the Masters in Public policy. This is quite a small cohort compared to a lot of our peer institutions, only 30 to 35 students in a given year.
Which means you're really getting to know everyone around you and it's very flexible. So of the 16 total courses that you will take in your MPP degree, four of them are core required courses. Two of those courses are going to be more qualitative, and the other two will be more quantitative. But really the intention behind those core courses is to give you a grounding in the different disciplines and different theories that might come together in global affairs.
So let's say, for example, you come to Jackson and you have a background in economics, right? You're more familiar with the quantitative side.
One of the great things is that these core courses, you know, one of them would be in history, one of them would be in political science, will expose you to different ways of thinking and help you to understand, umm, of course I have these policy ideas that I want, but you know, what are the reasons that they're not being implemented and how can I better understand that? So helping our students to think more creatively and to understand the connections across different disciplines.
For our one year MAS program, our Masters of Advanced Studies, umm, it is a much smaller cohort, umm anywhere from 2:00 to 5:00 students in a given year.
That is really intended to be aimed at students who are mid career. So you can see up here that seven years is the work experience requirement. Average for those students is 10, so they tend to be in a little bit of a different phase in their careers. In a similar vein, this is also very flexible. There is no core for this program, so it's really up to you as a student to be self-directed and to pick out those classes that matter to you.
One thing that you know one way that Jackson helps to support this flexibility.
Is in addition to limiting the number of core courses required for our degrees, uh, for those courses that are not any of the core required courses, you not only get to pick any course offered at the Jackson School of Global Affairs, but in fact any course offered at the broader Yale University. So let's say that you want to take a class at the law school on international law and you know the effects of policy.
That is completely open to you as a Jackson student.
Right. You can take advantage of all the other graduate schools that are here at Yale. If that is not enough for you and you would like to do more with these other schools, we do also offer a few joint degree programs with other graduate schools here at Yale, and those include the law School, the School of Management, which is our Business School, and the School of Forestry and the Environment. So this is a great option for those students who have a really clearly articulated interest in more than one field, who have a strong sense of what that overlap could.
Like, there are a few more technical things to note with that, right? You have to go through separate admissions process for that other joint degree. Umm, it will of course prolong your time here at Yale and any classes taken through that other school, you would need to either fund those on your own or receive a scholarship from that school. But again, this is just one way that our students are really able to take advantage of some of the robust academics that we have here.
And of course, if the courses offered adjacent are not enough, we have a number of centers as an as a school as well.
I won't go through all of these, but just what I want to highlight to give you a better sense of it is our Schmidt program on artificial intelligence. So this is a center, again, it's run through the Jackson School, and it's intended to bridge the gap between the policymakers and the technical. So if you're coming from a more technical perspective on artificial intelligence, the Schmidt program seeks to give you a better understanding of that policy space and vice versa.
And they do a lot of programming to connect this They'll have amazing speakers from all across the world come into campus.
They host different conferences and colloquia. They even have an exchange program with the university in China. So especially if you know the area that you want to study or focus on, and you see it listed up here through one of these centers, that's a really great way to enrich some of that knowledge outside of the classroom.
Speaking of outside of the classroom, umm, our community is of course something that is really special, I believe here at the Jackson School. So as I mentioned earlier, we have quite a small class compared to some of our peer institutions.
Other schools for a two year policy degree, you know, might have upwards of 203 hundred students. Uh, we limit it to around 35 students every single year. And that's very much intentional in our design as a school. We want you to not only be able to connect with the faculty and the practitioners here on our campus, but the students as well and create that space for you to have this meaningful connections and to be challenged by your peers.
Something that I love hearing from our current students when I talk to them is about their experience getting to know their peers.
I will show a slide in a little bit that explains some of the backgrounds that our students are coming. I'm sorry someone outside is very angry with their car and they're really honking. But as I said, I'll, I'll show a slide shortly that give some context for our students backgrounds. But they really are coming from not just all across the United States, but all across the world. And they have such an incredible array of backgrounds, whether that was working in the private sector or in public policy or in other nonprofit space.
I truly believe one of the most special parts of a Jackson degree is the students that you're here with and the knowledge that you can glean from them. You know, being a tight knit community, we like to say that if you are the kind of person who wants to sit in the back row of a classroom and you know, not be called on and not engage in discussion, UMM, Jackson is probably not the place for you. However, if you want a community where the faculty, where all of the staff know your name, they know who you are and what you're interested in and can challenge you.
Perspectives, then this is a place that you should consider calling home. And that's something that's reflected in our career preparation as well. So our career services does a really amazing job of working with our students on an individual basis. They meet with every single student. We have about a one to 30 or 1 to 35 ratio between our career team and our students, which means that they have the bandwidth to give you that individual attention.
They know you, they know what you want to do after graduation, and when they see something come across their desk that looks like it could be relevant to you and your interests, they're sending that your way and helping to facilitate those connections.
One signature element of the UH Jackson MPP, again, the two year program is our summer experience. So this is required of all students who are enrolling in the MPP program. And it takes place the summer between your first year and the, uh, start of your second year. And essentially this is an internship for all of our students. Umm Jackson really wants to support that and make sure that you're able to pursue an opportunity that you find exciting.
So to that end, we will give up to $6000 to our students to support that summer experience. Which means if there is a company that you want to work for or an organization that is unable to pay you, you can call them up and say, hey, I'm a current student at the Yale Jackson School. I will work for free. You just have to give me a spot. Umm. And more often than not, they are very happy to do so and to allow our students to have that experience.
And this is something that shapes their jobs after, uh, Jackson as well.
You can see that our students are going not just all across the US, but all across the world and up here you can see a few profiles of some of our alumni and what that looks like. Because the Jackson community is so tight knit, the alumni are also something that are very helpful when it comes to networking and planning those post school opportunities for our students. They are always happy to meet with current Jackson students and to chat with them and to give them a better sense of, you know, how they can support each other in that career journey.
One of the biggest sources of support that we have for our students when it comes to that career is funding. So I know this is always a big question, right? How to pay for college, how to pay for school. So for our MPP students, again, this is the two year program. We guarantee as a university that we will fund 100% of your tuition. So again, no student in the MPP program is paying for tuition. That is something that is entirely covered by Jackson. You do not have to apply for that.
Any student who is admitted, we promise that we will cover 100% of that tuition. In addition to that tuition coverage for the MPP program, we also give living stipends to around half of our incoming class every single year. So again, half of the students are receiving a full living stipend, which takes care of your rent, your groceries, things of that nature. And this is really very intentional on our side as a university. We understand that, you know, oftentimes.
Policy degree might not launch you into, you know, the most lucrative jobs and we really want our students to be enabled to pursue the post graduation outcomes that matter to them rather than being driven by the ability to repay their student loans. So as a university, that's a large part of why we're offering that financial support to students. Another big reason behind that is, you know, we have amazing faculty here at Jackson. They do a wonderful job and of course, we hope that all of our students learn from them and take full advantage of them.
Carol Krein Robinson
05:14:18 PM
Hi Emily! I was wondering if students still receive the stipend in case they are able to secure a paid internship for their Summer Experience.
But just as much and maybe more, we want you to learn from your peers and the peers that we have to offer you here at Jackson are truly some of the best and the brightest from around the world without regard to their finances. For any students who might be interested in applying for that living stipend for the MPP, umm, all you will need to do is check a box on the application saying that you would like to be considered for financial aid. So.
No extra assays, no additional materials are required for you. Again, just check that box saying that you would like to be considered for financial aid.
For our MAS, for that one year program, there is no funding available. We do not support students as a school. So again, that's really intended more for mid career professionals. UMM. It's not uncommon for folks to be sponsored by the company that they are working for, UMM, and that company helped to support them during that degree. But if you are interested in the MAS UMM, I highly highly recommend doing some research ahead of time on what those sources of funding could be right to make sure that when you get that acceptance letter, UMM you are prepared to.
And that that's a question that you thought about beforehand?
Sam Anschell
05:15:36 PM
Hi Emily, thank you for today's presentation! Is the living stipend (room/board/groceries etc.) based on need or merit?
Alejandro Sanchez
05:15:45 PM
Hi Carol! If students secure a paid internship, they can still be eligible for summer funding, though the amount may be adjusted based on the specifics of the internship compensation. Jackson encourages students to share their summer plans early on so they may provide guidance on the funding process.
Umm, you can go ahead and see. Again, this is the profile of our most recent class. So it's a pretty wide range in terms of age, in terms of the country that they're coming from. Umm, I will speak briefly on these GRE scores and what that looks like in our process, who we are asking for those scores from. But again, this gives you a better sense of where our students are coming from and it is truly a global class.
So now that I've talked to you all about what it looks like to be here at Jackson, I'm sure the question is, you know, how do we get there? What is the application process look like? So again, we do have two separate degrees. We have our MAS which is the one year and the MPP which is our two year. Our MAS application deadline just closed this November 1st. So if you're here and you're interested in the MAS program, you should be thinking about the next application cycle, so around one year from now.
For our MPP program, we have our formal official deadline on January 2nd.
However, if you submit that application on or before December 1st, uh, we will waive that application fee. So one thing to note, if you are trying to aim for that December 1 deadline, umm, all you need to have submitted is the actual application, right? So your letters of recommendation and your testing can come later. Those should come by the January 2nd deadline. Umm, but that's something to consider. Again, it's December 1 is coming up around the corner quite quickly.
In terms of standardized testing, uh, we do require the GRE for those MPP students.
Alejandro Sanchez
05:16:55 PM
Hi Sam! The living stipend is based on a combination of need and merit. As Emily mentioned, about half of each M.P.P. cohort, including students from underrepresented regions, are awarded living stipends to cover the full cost of attendance. Final stipend determinations are made upon acceptance, although all students receive 100% tuition funding.
Alberto Prieto Gonzalez
05:17:16 PM
Emily, for example, what happends if I do not meet the 100 pts at the TOEFL, but I obtained a high intermediate level?
So again, if you are interested in that MPP, that two year program, you must send AGRE score with your application. UMM, you can take a look back on those UMM profiles of our admitted students and sorry, there's a little commotion outside my window. UMM, take a look at those scores of the current students and that will give you a better sense of what we're looking for when it comes to those GRE scores. If you're interested in the MAS, you do not have to send UMM that GRE score That is not required as a part of your applic.
Process for all students who are interested in applying for the MPP for this application year. UMM, I highly recommend if you have not already reached out to your recommenders, now is definitely the time to do so. You want to be sure that they have time to get a jump on that letter and really write a quality letter that reflects who you are as an applicant. Umm, we do give a little bit of grace with that deadline, that January 2nd deadline, but again, please have that submitted as close to January 2nd or sooner than that if you can.
You'll notice that we do request 3 letters of recommendation. We prefer that one of those letters come from an academic reference, which is usually a former professor. Umm, we do understand that for folks who have been out of school for a little bit longer, it's not always feasible to have a former professor write that letter. So if that is the case that you are not able to secure that academic reference.
It can be helpful to think about your other letters. Perhaps one of them comes from a more academic perspective.
Jose-Pablo Buerba
05:18:24 PM
Wait, did I see that right that the MAS program's cohort is 5-6 people only??
So, you know, if that's someone who can really speak to like who you would be in the classroom, right? Or things of that nature, that's a really helpful perspective for us to have. Umm, on the flip side, if your academic profile is not quite as strong as you would have wanted, it could be helpful to think about having two of those letter writers be academic references again, to make sure that you're balancing out the spots in your application.
Brian Connor
05:18:55 PM
what type of quality in candidates are you looking for for the admission process that is unique to Jackson school? Is there certain qualifications that is important than others/
The statement of purpose is something that is going to be really central to the application. This is essentially where you explain why you're applying to Jackson and why you would be a good fit for this program. So it can be helpful to think about, you know, not only listing out faculty you want to do work with or courses that you want to take.
Sofia Cespedes Navarro
05:19:15 PM
Hello Emily, do receive Duolingo English Test (DET) to prove the english level?
Alejandro Sanchez
05:19:20 PM
Hi Alberto -- While the Jackson School generally expects a minimum score of 100 on the TOEFL, applications are reviewed holistically, so a slightly lower score does not necessarily disqualify you. You may want to highlight your English proficiency through other parts of your application.
Of course, those are all great to see, but really, how will you make the most of this education? In what ways will you take advantage of your time here at Jackson to go above and beyond and get the most out of this degree, as well as connecting it to what your future goals are after this degree? Again, because it is quite a flexible degree, we are looking for students who have some sense of what they want to do. You know, we found that students who perhaps aren't able to articulate what it is that they want out of this degree.
Alejandro Sanchez
05:19:38 PM
Jose-Pablo, the MAS cohort is typically between 2 to 5 individuals.
Can get a little lost with healthy options here at Jackson, so your statement of purpose can be a great time to show us that you have done that research and that critical thinking.
Rhoda Quarshie
05:19:49 PM
Can i submit a letter of English proficiency from my Unversity in place of the GRE?
Brian Connor
05:19:52 PM
If I want to combine Yale business school and Jackson, how do I coordinate application process?
Camila Muñoz Medina
05:20:06 PM
Hi! Similar to TOEFL scores, does Jackson have a minimum for GRE scores?
Carol Krein Robinson
05:20:07 PM
How large is the MPP cohort usually?
Again, that you know exactly what you want out of this degree. We are also going to ask for a resume given that the vast majority of applicants are coming in with some sort of work experience. So this is a great place to tell us, you know, here's what I've been up to these past few years since finishing up my last degree and give a little bit more context for what it is that you've been doing. We will ask for transcripts as well if you are, regardless of what country you're coming from, those can be unofficial transcripts at the time that you are.
Applying. If you are accepted and decide to enroll, then we will ask for those official transcripts. So again, you don't need official transcripts at the time that you're applying, but if you are accepted and decide to enroll, we will ask for those later. If your transcripts are not in English, we would like those to be translated. That is always helpful for us. And lastly, as I said, you can see the application dates and deadlines up here.
You know, if you're thinking about the MPP for this year, I really do recommend aiming for that December 1 deadline.
Alejandro Sanchez
05:20:45 PM
Hi Brian. Jackson values candidates who demonstrate a commitment to addressing global issues and a strong motivation for public service. Ideal applicants often have relevant professional or academic experience, a clear vision of their goals, and a desire to make an impact in areas like public policy, global affairs, or advocacy. Unique qualities that stand out include a collaborative spirit, intellectual curiosity, and a proven ability to lead or contribute to initiatives in diverse environments.
$75.00 which is always really nice.
So that's just something to be thinking about going forward.
Felipe Quintero
05:21:08 PM
I would like to ask, is it possible to update information in the CV after submitting the application?
Alright, with that being said, I've talked for quite a while now. I want to leave this up here and give you all some ways to connect with us further. Umm, I will be doing one more webinar in December before the application deadline closes for that MPP. So again, if you have other questions that come up, umm, if you, you know, have other things that you want to talk with us about, please, please, umm, feel welcome to do so. And you can see our social media up here. There's always so many things going on at Jackson. I was talking to one of my colleagues tonight and there are three.
Alejandro Sanchez
05:21:27 PM
Hi Sofia, thank you for your question! No, we do not accept the Duolingo English Test (DET) as proof of English proficiency. You can review the full English language testing requirements here:
Talks happening here at Jackson just this evening, so again, it's really a place where it's never dull. There is always something to do and the social media is a great way to keep up with that and really get a better sense of what it could be like here as a student.
All right, with all that being said, I know Alejandro, our current student has been really hard at work in the back answering some of these questions. Umm, if you have other questions, again, now is a great time to go ahead and put those in the chat. Uh, we will be moving to Q&A.
Alright, so there's a question, how long, how large is the MPP cohort usually? I would say around 35 students, you know, the exact number changes in a given year. But again, that is really part of our intention that it be quite a small cohort and that students are able to get to know each other.
Louise has a question around is it possible to update information in the CV after submitting the application? Umm, if you would like to send updates, umm, you can always e-mail our admissions office and we can update or we can attach the updated information to your application. Umm, I think it's always easier if the information is correct on the 1st go around and there's no need to do that. But umm, if for some reason there is something that comes up or something that changes, umm, again, you can e-mail admissions, our admissions office with the updated.
Or corrected version and we can add that new version to your application.
I see Rhoda had a question around can I submit a letter of English proficiency from my university, umm, in place of the GRV? So that's a great question. I can clarify, umm, a little bit more what that process looks like for English language testing. So, umm, if you, uh, attended a university that was not taught primarily in English and English is not your native language, we will be asking for that English language testing. So we take the GRE, or excuse me, not the GRE. Umm, we take the TOEFL we take.
IELTS in Cambridge, I believe there was a Duolingo question. We do not accept the Duolingo exam at this time. Umm, So again, if your university, your four year degree was not taught in English, we will be asking for that English language requirement as it comes to the GRE, uh, because we require the GRE for every single student regardless of your English language proficiency. Those two are not correlated. Uh, we do not accept any waivers, umm, from a university for Agre. So again, anyone?
Qifan Zhang
05:24:03 PM
Is there any difference between todays sharing and the sharing which will held on December?
Giselle Nascimento Dias
05:24:03 PM
What are some key things that distinguish a successful and unsuccessful application?
Applying for the MPP program should also be taking the GRE. There are no exceptions for students on that.
Alejandro Sanchez
05:24:04 PM
Hi Rhoda, thank you for your question. No, the GRE is required for the application and cannot be substituted with a letter of English proficiency from your university.
Supriya Gokarn
05:24:05 PM
Are there opportunities to visit campus and any in person information sessions?
Alberto Prieto Gonzalez
05:24:06 PM
Do you requiere some grade at the GRE?
Mellie Mesfin
05:24:07 PM
Is there any particular advantage to applying by the December deadline, aside from the fee waiver?
Chloe Rowen
05:24:07 PM
Do you know the number of student in the program that come straight from undergrad? Thank you!
Brian Connor
05:24:08 PM
Emily do you coordinate admission process if I want to combine jackson and Yale business school?
Vivek Shah
05:24:08 PM
Hi Alejandro and Emily. Just wanted to ask what the usual acceptance rate for the MPP is (i.e. % of applicants who get accepted)
Laganeh Fadé
05:24:10 PM
Hi! Is the entire program in-person and is room and board included in the fully-paid tuition?
Alejandro Sanchez
05:24:11 PM
Brian, here’s a brief overview of the application process for the M.B.A./M.P.P. dual degree:
1. Separate Applications: You’ll need to submit separate applications to both the Yale School of Management (SOM) for the M.B.A. and the Jackson School for the M.P.P.
2. Admission Requirements: Each school has its own set of admission requirements, so make sure you meet the criteria for both programs. The GRE is required for the M.P.P., and SOM accepts either the GRE or GMAT.
3. Timing: You can apply to both programs simultaneously or apply to one program during your first year in the other. This flexibility allows you to decide if you’re already admitted to one of the schools.
4. Program Structure: The dual degree typically takes three years to complete, with time split between SOM and Jackson.
5. Funding and Tuition: Financial aid is managed separately by each school, so you’ll need to coordinate funding with both SOM and Jackson.
For more details, visit:
Rachel Jin
05:24:13 PM
Hi Emily, a question with regard to transcripts, aside from my undergraduate transcript, I have a joint service transcript obtained through the army, would that also be required since it is not from an accredited university?
Abhishu Karki
05:24:15 PM
Hi Emily and Alejandro! As a student who is looking to continue internships as I got through my graduate studies, How often would students need to be on campus and how do the classes time generally look like?
Jose-Pablo Buerba
05:24:16 PM
is the MAS program full-time and in person?
Agatha Pinheiro
05:24:17 PM
I saw that the average years of work experience is 5 years for MPP students. Is there an ideal amount of work experience one should have? Do you encourage waiting to apply after a certain amount of years working?
Alright, so lots of questions have come in so I am taking a look at some of those and approving them.
Vivek Shah
05:24:18 PM
Hi Alejandro and Emily. Just wanted to ask what the usual acceptance rate for the MPP is (i.e. % of applicants who get accepted)? Thanks!
Laganeh Fadé
05:24:19 PM
What resources are available for students with dependents/families, if any
Alejandro Sanchez
05:24:20 PM
Hi Camila! Jackson does not have a minimum GRE score requirement, but you can view the range of GRE scores for recent classes on our class profile page:
And then I will dive into answering some.
So Giselle has a question around like, what are some key things that distinguish a successful and an unsuccessful application? That's a really great question. Of course, there's some of those more quantitative pieces, right? We're looking for students who's testing demonstrates testing and academic record demonstrates to us that they will be successful inside our classroom. We want to admit students who are going to succeed.
But I also think the ability to articulate, again, it's not just like what classes will you take and what faculty you'll work with, but really like, why are you the best fit for Jackson? How will you take the greatest advantage of this degree? Statement of purpose is a really great place to think through that. So, you know, perhaps a less than successful statement of purpose would just like be a rehash of their resume and all the things that they've done in the past. And they mentioned, of course, that they want to take care of Jackson. The statements of purpose that go above and beyond and are the most helpful.
Are the ones that are rooted in a bit more of that introspection and especially can connect the Jackson degree to what it is that they hope to do in the future. So I think that's true really of any application that you are submitting, making sure that you have a clearly articulated outcome or reason for getting this degree.
There's a question around any opportunities to visit campus in person. In person information sessions we do in the fall typically host 2 in person visit days, one in October, one in November.
We have one coming up this Monday, but unfortunately it is full at this point in time. So depending on when you're thinking of applying, be on the lookout for those next fall again, usually in October and in November in the chance that you find yourself in New Haven and you are here. We don't have any formal programming set up for visiting students on those days, but you're always welcome to reach out to myself or our admissions office and if we have time, we're happy to meet with you on a case by case basis.
Uh, there's a question around any advantages to applying UMM by the December deadline aside from the fee waiver?
No, we don't give you any extra consideration just because you've applied early. So the main benefit is going to be that fee waiver.
Umm, there's a question around the number of students in the program that comes straight from undergrad. So we do have a program for some students at Yale to gain direct entry into our Masters in Public Policy program. Umm, but for applicants who are not coming straight out of Yale undergrad, I don't have the exact number, umm, that are coming straight out of undergrad. I will say it is exceedingly rare.
We are looking for, you know, we prefer two to three years work experience minimum. The average in our incoming class ends up being five years of work experience. And for us as an admissions office, that's really core in building a diverse class, right? If everyone you know is coming from the same exact background or the same exact perspective, it becomes much more difficult to learn from your peers and to be challenged by them, you know, learn new perspectives. So it's something that we think about as an admissions.
Right, Like how are we crafting a class where these students are coming from a really wide array of backgrounds? And when you're in the classroom, you're sitting and you're talking to people who have had all these different lived experiences. So again, it is quite, quite rare for students in our program to be coming straight from undergrad. We really are looking for a few years of that professional experience. I think this also helps in the application. You know, I, I mentioned earlier, what distinguishes the successful and the unsuccessful applicant.
And it can be difficult to articulate why you're pursuing this degree.
And what you hope to get out of it when you haven't been in the workforce and you haven't had that experience. So having that experience often times, you know, forces you to reflect a little bit on truly what is it that you want. And again, that's always helpful for us in our process.
Alright, I'm going through some of these questions. I see Alejandro has been hard at work answering some so apologies if I am double answering some of these. So he has already gotten to.
Umm Lagne asked question, is the entire program in person? Umm, and a little bit more about the financial aid. So yes, this is a fully in person program both for the MPP and the MAS. The expectation is that you are in the greater New Haven area or are able to participate in classes and programming on campus.
The tuition there's a question around is the room and board included in the tuition? No, tuition is just tuition. Umm, that's why I mentioned the separate living expenses. Umm, that's something that students are able to apply for separately.
Yes, and a clarifying question around the MAS program. That one is umm, full time. It is in person.
Alright, apologies for the delay, there's a lot of questions in here to sort through. Umm.
There's a question around the students looking to continue internships, umm, you know, through their graduate studies. How often would students need to be on campus and what do class times generally look like? I would say that really depends on the internship that you're looking to continue work with. You know, on a case by case basis. Umm, academic affairs and Student affairs are able to work with students to make sure, you know, if they have part-time employment, umm, outside of Jackson that they can continue with that. But again, that is on a case by case.
Umm I think in general, students tend to be quite involved in the Jackson community. And perhaps Alejandro, if you want to drop some insight into the chat, umm, that would be welcome. Uh, but there's so much going on here, right? It's, it's not just the time that you spend in your courses, it's the time you spend, you know, hanging out in the lobby and like seeing the amazing world class speakers that are coming into Jackson, umm, and taking advantage of the colloquia and the conferences. So we really do want students to be based in New Haven.
Especially given the generous funding of the program, we want you to be able to take full advantage of the resources that we are offering to you. So again, you know, that's something that could be discussed on a case by case basis if you do decide to admit and enroll at Jackson. But we do hope that our students are spending the majority of our time or their time on campus and being a part of this community.
Devika Dhir
05:31:06 PM
Thanks Emily and Alejandro. When you say the statement of purpose should give a clear vision of their goals, what is the level of specificity do you like to see? Would you be expecting dream job titles/organisations or would it be okay to have some ambiguity which a candidate hopes to resolve as they study at Jackson? Best wishes from New Zealand
Sofia Cespedes Navarro
05:31:08 PM
Thank you! Also, is there a minimum number of years of experience needed in order to get considered?
Eliza Yadav
05:31:16 PM
I saw online that applicants can submit up to four reference letters. In what cases should an applicant consider submitting a fourth letter? Also, is there any case in which uploading a fourth letter can harm an application?
Qifan Zhang
05:31:17 PM
During my application, if my current degree is not finished, what materials I might need to submit for that ongoing degree.
Inès Diaz
05:31:18 PM
Does the MPP require prior professional experience?
Rara Arifa
05:31:19 PM
will you have any other admissions webinar like this!
Brian Connor
05:31:20 PM
On my transcript if I have one bad record, could I add supplement document to explain the reason and rational for one bad record?
Supriya Gokarn
05:31:21 PM
Can you speak a bit more to the types of students who enter with extensive work experience? Is it a disadvantage if it isn't in the overall policy space?
Alejandro Sanchez
05:31:22 PM
Qifan: This webinar will not be different from December's.
Supriya: Yes, we offer opportunities to visit campus and attend in-person information sessions. You can check our admissions events calendar for upcoming visit days and information sessions:
Alberto: Please refer to our answer above on our GRE score range.
Rhoda Quarshie
05:31:23 PM
From the profile of past students, i see persons who work in the public service. I dont work in the public service but i'm a lawyer with interest in policy making. Do i have a chance of admission?
Rara Arifa
05:31:25 PM
I have a question on how I should fill the application form regarding the GPA. I studied at the LSE in the UK, which does not use a GPA system. I could not seem to know how to accurately calculate my scores in GPA online, and the form says to not report GPA if not printed on transcript. However, the two GPA boxes have stars on them, indicating that they are required. Could you please confirm if it's okay to skip these two pieces of information?
Haonan Tian
05:31:26 PM
Hi, I have a specific question regard to my background. I have served in the Chinese military for two years as a part of my career, although policy related, would that be a disadvantage for my application given the somehow complex Sino-US relationship?
Alejandro Sanchez
05:31:27 PM
Hi Vivek. While we don’t publish a specific acceptance rate for the MPP program, you can review our Class Profile for stats on recent admitted cohorts, including information on academic backgrounds, average GRE scores, and demographics:
Manini Menon
05:31:27 PM
for mpp students - are prior college courses in economics/quant required ?
Inès Diaz
05:31:28 PM
What opportunities do the different centers you mentioned earlier offer to students?
Alejandro Sanchez
05:31:30 PM
Hi Laganeh. Yes, the MPP program is fully in-person. The program covers 100% of tuition, and some students also receive need- or merit-based living stipends to help with room, board, and other expenses.
Komal Gupta
05:31:31 PM
Does the application have a section which allows us to provide context on any challenges we have faced/give explanation for gaps in our application as a whole? Or would you recommend including that in our statement of purpose?
Alejandro Sanchez
05:31:32 PM
Hi Rachel. Yes, including your joint service transcript can be valuable. If it’s not directly relevant to academic experience, you might consider listing it on your resume to highlight your military background and any unique skills gained. However, if you’d like to include it as part of your application materials, you’re welcome to upload it in the Additional Documents section.
Giselle Nascimento Dias
05:31:33 PM
How specific should your goals be in your statement of purpose? Do you need to have a specific position at a specific organisation in mind? Or is it ok to just say what field you want to go into?
Alberto Prieto Gonzalez
05:31:34 PM
Thank you so much for your time!
Brian Connor
05:31:35 PM
I have never been on Yale campus, what is student life is like in New Haven.
Alejandro Sanchez
05:31:37 PM
As Emily mentioned, outside the classroom, there are countless ways to get involved through student clubs and organizations, which offer invaluable support for networking, building community, and making friends. For me, being in leadership positions at the Yale LGBTQ Center, the Yale Senate, and the Yale Mexican Graduate Student Society has been transformative. These roles have not only helped me hone my leadership skills but also opened doors to a wealth of professional and personal opportunities. The community here is vibrant and collaborative, and the connections I’ve made have been incredibly supportive both on campus and beyond. :)
There's a question around letters of recommendation, like how many letters of recommendation should they be submitting? Umm we require recommend 3 letters of recommendation. Umm I don't believe that we usually accept any additional letters of recommendation. Umm, I would say in general, in my experience, umm.
You know the additional letters? Umm, sometimes there are, there are more, uh, just to say.
More information or say the same information again, not necessarily to provide new insight. So we do ask that you try and limit yourself to three letters of recommendation if possible.
There's a clarifying question around like the statement of purpose, like how specific do we want it to be? Umm, that's a great question. We do not expect that you are listing out like the job title that you want and the exact company that you want to work for. Umm just to clarify on that, right. We understand that, you know, your interest can and should change during Graduate School. And it's, it's very normal to not know exactly the kind of organization that you want to work for. Umm, but just in general having a sense of like, what do you want to do with the degree? Is there a particular field?
You want to work in, maybe there's a professional goal that you have for yourself, you know, some sort of impact that you would like to see made. So there's a number of ways to articulate that. It does not necessarily have to be a company or a job title that you want.
Another question around transcripts, umm, if the current degree is not finished, what materials would I submit for that? Umm, you should just be submitting information as you have it. Umm, especially, you know, with those final transcripts. Umm, we understand that if you're in school, you are in school currently and there's not too much that you can provide us with. Umm, but again, as those transcripts become available, as you have final grade reports, you can just send those our way.
There's a few more questions around work experience. Umm, I think those came up after I answered that question so I can clarify.
Again, we do highly, highly recommend at least two to three years of professional experience for that MPP. The average is five. So our class does tend to skew a little bit more heavily in terms of folks who have that professional experience. And again, that's intentional on our end as a school. We want to make sure that we are admitting students who have a really wide array of perspectives and lived experiences, right? Your faculty are not the only people you are learning from on our campus. It's also your peers who.
Have had all those different experiences. So again, we are, excuse me, looking for people who have at least a few years of, excuse me, that professional or work experience.
There's a question like clarifying question on that work experience. Is it a disadvantage if that work is not in the overall policy space? Umm, I would say no, I don't think so. Umm, it'll, you know, it's not uncommon for our students to come into Jackson, umm, having worked in non policy areas. I think oftentimes we'll find students who, for example, let's say they had been an engineer, worked in an engineering firm and in their time there had come to realize like the importance of engineering policy, right.
That's a student who I think has a great background and a great reason for owning to be here and be at Jackson that hasn't been in the policy space thus far. In large part, the MPP, You know, the reason we do ask for a few years of work experience is because it's a program that's targeted at students who know what that next level is in their career that they want to get to. But it can be tough for them to get there without a career. And so the MPP is intended to bridge that gap, right? You have some sort of work experience, you understand what you want out of your career.
But the MPP will help you get there. We'll give you the skills and the knowledge and the connections to make that next step. So by all means, you do not need, you know, public policy or government experience. We really, do, you know, think about diversity and a lot of different ways. And diversity of that work experience is absolutely one of them.
There's a lot of questions in here, you know, more specific questions around people's application. I do just want to emphasize, you know, folks are asking like if I have this background or that background, will that be a disadvantage? You know, the admissions process here at Jackson is a holistic one, right? So that means we don't have a formula that we use saying your grades count for this percentage of your acceptance rate. You know, your your letters of recommendation count for that percentage. We really look at and we consider all of those elements of the application.
Try and get a sense of who will you be on our community, right? Not just who will you be in the classroom, but like how will you interact with people in the hallway? How will you make Jackson a better place and enrich the overall educational experience? So if you are coming from a background that is less common or perhaps a country that doesn't have the best relations with the US, again, I want to emphasize that none of those are things that will disqualify you. We really are looking for diversity of perspectives here on campus and in our program and.
If you're able to articulate how about background or that experience contributes to your perspective, that's something that we as an admissions office always want to see.
Umm, there's a question around our prior college courses in economics Or required. Alejandro might have answered this one. Umm. But in short, no, they are not required. Umm. It's not uncommon for students to be admitted to Jackson without that Econ or Quant background.
This is a large part of why we are asking for the GRE scores, right? That can give us a good indicator that you, you know, with the right resources and the right support will be successful in those courses for students who are coming in without that background. And we do have a few resources to make sure that you are successful. So as I mentioned, two of those 4 core courses are going to be more econ or quant related.
You will take those two courses in the spring of your first year and in the fall of your second year. So in that fall of your first year, you're not taking a core course.
So we offer our students the option to take A1 semester, sort of intro to Econ and quant course. Again, that can really be a good primer for folks without that background. In the event that you are in those two core courses and you need additional support, we are also able to connect you with tutoring and other similar resources.
There are a few questions around. If I have something in my application that doesn't look the way I wanted, or there's something I want to provide additional context on, can I do so? Umm, yes, there is that option in the additional Documents or additional materials section. Umm, you can upload any other information that you think would be helpful for us as the admissions office to know.
Oh, there's a great question. This person has never been on Yale's campus. What does student life like?
Umm Alejandro, I'm sure is hard at work answering other questions, so I won't make him type out an answer to that. Umm, I will say Yale is a very sort of idyllic, very traditional college campus. Umm you know, every time I walk around here, I'm like blown away by how beautiful it is, umm, and truly how friendly and welcoming everyone is. Umm, I will say I'm also quite new to Yale as well. And so that was a really welcome surprise to me to find that everyone is so excited to have you join this community and to welcome you here.
So that's been really a hallmark of my time. New Haven, I think it's honestly a great city to be a student in. You know, to give some context for folks who might not be familiar, we are the last stop on the New York City commuter metro. So it's very accessible to take the train into New York City. We are also quite connected to Boston. You can take one of the regional railway systems there as well. So New Haven itself always has things going on, whether it is yellow vents or.
Community events, I think you'll find it's a really exciting place to be and you're also very connected again to the greater Eastern seaboard.
Rachel Jin
05:40:01 PM
with regards to the new Haven location and the resources available, what do you think is the advantage of the school's location in comparison to schools with campus in d.c.
Alejandro Sanchez
05:40:02 PM
Qifan: If your current degree is still in progress, you should upload your most recent transcript even if it’s unofficial. If the final transcript is not available before the January 2 deadline, you can still submit it after the deadline. This ensures that your educational background is accurately represented.
Abhishu Karki
05:40:03 PM
Thank you! appreciate knowing about these opportunities.
Eliza Yadav
05:40:04 PM
I have a strong idea of which courses and skills I would like to develop while at Yale, such as courses at Yale SoM and the YLS. Do you think it is a good idea to mention these courses or would you prefer we only discuss the courses we would specifically like to take at Jackson?
Alejandro Sanchez
05:40:05 PM
Hi Inès! While prior professional experience is not strictly required, it is beneficial. As Emily mentioned, our most succesful candidates typically come in with 2-5 years of professional experience. We look for a range of experiences, including internships, volunteer work, and relevant academic projects.
Alejandro Sanchez
05:40:06 PM
Brian: You can include an optional statement in your application to explain any academic anomalies or challenges you’ve faced. This can help provide context to the admissions committee, who review applications holistically.
Zephyr Aptekar
05:40:07 PM
By work experience, do you mean full-time post undergrad, or does years of experience while a student count?
Alejandro Sanchez
05:40:09 PM
Rara: LSE’s registrar should be able to help you convert your scores to a GPA scale—this is a common request, and I’ve personally found them helpful with it. If they’re unable to assist, you can leave those GPA fields blank on the application since GPA is not printed on your transcript. Just make a note in the additional information section to explain this.
Brian Connor
05:40:10 PM
Do you think its possible to do MAS while keeping my current job? how flexible to accommodate schedule
Alejandro Sanchez
05:40:11 PM
Hi Brian! New Haven has a vibrant community with a mix of cultural, dining, and recreational options, making it a great setting for student life. Jackson students enjoy a tight-knit community and are involved in a range of activities both on and off campus. You can explore more about life in New Haven here:
Rhoda Quarshie
05:40:12 PM
Are students permitted to bring dependents?
Isaac Mutemi
05:40:12 PM
Is there a program one can take at Yale, like a certificate, that makes the MPP STEM certified?
Komal Gupta
05:40:13 PM
Thank you for taking the time to share this information with us!
Eliza Yadav
05:40:14 PM
Is work experiences that is not necessarily "global" (i.e. domestic policy work) relevant? If yes, what should applicants keep in mind when discussing their experience?
Giselle Nascimento Dias
05:40:15 PM
You might have already mentioned this, but is there graduate housing available?
Alright, we're I'm just going through and approving a few more comments, umm, and then I will be addressing more questions in just a second. Thank you all for being so engaged. These have been a lot of great questions tonight.
So there's a question around the student has umm, strong idea of like the courses they want to take and skills they want to develop, you know, School of Management courses, law school courses. Is it a good idea to mention them or should they only discuss what they want to do at Jackson?
I would say don't limit yourself to just what you want to do at Jackson, because the courses that you take at the School of Management and the law school will be part of your tracks and degree, right? You're able to take those courses in other schools. So again, it's, it's helpful context for us, right? Like we want to know who will you be on our community? What are those academic interests that you want?
And I think that can also be helpful in making the case for why you in particular are the best fit for Jackson, right? Like you're taking advantage of this flexibility. So certainly, those are all great things to talk about in your application.
There's a question that Brian asked around is it possible to do MAS while keeping their current job? Umm, how flexible is it? Uh, Alejandro may have some more insight into this than me. Umm, you know, he might drop some information in the chat. Umm, my son says it's not particularly common, again for students to be pursuing work, especially full time work while completing a degree here. Umm, if you're accepted and that's something that you're really interested in, you know, our student affairs, our academic advising would more likely work with you.
Case by case basis to figure out what that could look like, so I won't make any promises from them. Umm, that would be a great conversation to have after you've gone through the application process.
I said Castle question around is the MPP STEM certified? No is the short answer. So for international students who are thinking about visas, we do not offer any option for the MPP to become a STEM certified program. So that's something to be aware of.
Alejandro Sanchez
05:42:30 PM
Hi Zephyr. By work experience, Jackson means full-time post-undergrad. However, please do include any relevant student work or internships on your resume, as these can add valuable context to your background and skills.
All right. Are students permitted to bring dependents? Absolutely. We're not going to stop you from bringing your family. Umm, there is some graduate housing on campus that is intended for folks, especially coming from outside of the country, that might have dependents, umm, or family traveling with them. Umm, depending on where you're coming from and your citizenship, there would be different offices that would help you with that relocation process.
Umm Eliza has a clarifying question around like, work experiences, umm.
You know, if they're not global, is it, you know, our policy related, is it a relevant work experience? Again, as I said earlier, we're not just looking for students who have been working for like government or for policy groups, right? Like we really do want students who have a wide variety of backgrounds. So, you know, at this point, your background and your work experience, it is what it is, right? You can't change it. So the most important thing is being clear about how that work experience has LED you to pursue this degree.
What is the connection between the two? That's the question we're asking ourselves.
If you're in government or policy currently, or if you're coming from a completely different field, really we want to know, you know, how is that work experience shaped you and what you want out of this degree.
Alejandro Sanchez
05:43:46 PM
Brian: The MAS is typically a full-time commitment, and most students take a full sabbatical from work to focus on the program. However, if you have unique considerations, such as military duties or specific professional obligations, that is a conversation to have with our Dean of Admissions to discuss accommodations.
Giselle Nascimento Dias
05:43:48 PM
How many courses do MPP students take outside of the core requirements? Is there a mandatory minimum number of courses to take at Jackson?
Clarifying question on the curriculum, how many courses do students take outside the core? Like what's required? So for the MPP, the two year program, you will take 16 courses total. Umm, you cannot take less than that and graduate with that degree. Uh, four of those 16 courses are the core. So that means you have 12 courses that you can choose whatever you want. Umm, our academic advising team does a really amazing job of working with students once you get here and you're planning out that first semester.
I believe it's our assistant Dean of academic affairs or advising sits down with every single student to talk to them and to see like, again, what is it that you want out of this degree? And how can they help advise you? Because there are so many options at Jackson and your students oftentimes find that quite helpful in narrowing down. And I've heard more than one student say like, if I could take more than 12, you know, extra courses like I absolutely would have. They're so mature for me to study and so.
You're usually taking 12 courses outside of that core, and again, academic advising helps you to select some of those.
Rhoda Quarshie
05:44:59 PM
Is there stipends for dependents?
Supriya Gokarn
05:45:13 PM
What does the average week for a MPP student look like? How many hours of classroom time vs coursework/ reading etc?
Alright, if any folks have more questions, you can go ahead and drop those. And I think we're starting to slow down just a little bit. Another big thank you to Alejandro. I know he's been really hard at work in that chat answering a lot of questions.
Rudy asked a question around Is there a stipend for dependence? I will be frank and say I'm not aware of one off hand. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
That is a great question to contact financial aid about and I think they could give you more specific information on, you know, financial support for dependents and what that relocation process would look like.
Brian Connor
05:45:55 PM
Emily did you got to Jackson school program? what was your experience?
Eliza Yadav
05:45:57 PM
Is the course catalogue of Jackson public? If yes, do you mind sharing the link? Also for other schools like YLS or SoM?
Brian asked a very nice question. Did I go to Jackson and what was my experience? I'm here as a professional. Thank you, though. I think it'd be really fun to be here as a student. So I cannot speak to that student experience. That being said, even in my time here, as you know, in a professional capacity, I really have been, so, you know, astonished by just how warm and welcoming everyone is.
Truly, I think everyone here is so excited about the work that they're doing and really excited to be at Jackson. Like I said, it's kind of a startup energy and that, you know, the school is so new. We're not constrained by the way things have.
Alejandro Sanchez
05:47:00 PM
Adding to Emily's response regarding additional courses beyond the core: I’ve had the chance to take a variety of classes that align with my interests and broaden my skills. Some of the classes I’ve taken include AI Applied to Public Policy, which explores how artificial intelligence can shape policy decisions; Python Programming, which equips me with essential coding skills for data analysis; Political Campaigns, focused on strategies and dynamics in modern political movements (and the access to amazing policymakers with connections to Yale), and a course on The African Sahel, diving into the political, social, and economic challenges in that region. This last course included a two-week field trip to Algeria and Senegal -- it was amazing!
You know, been done in the past or a lot of that tradition. So I think that's something really exciting to be around is that every day, you know, I come in and people have all these ideas for things that they want to do and things that they want to see change and made better both in Jackson and in the greater policy world. So that's definitely an environment that I have found really exciting.
There was a question in the chat around is the course catalog of Jackson Public? Umm, it is.
Public, I don't have the link off hand, but if you Google like Yale Jackson School course catalog, uh, that information should come up. And again, that's a great way to get a sense of what those courses being offered are. Umm, I don't know that we have the most up-to-date course catalog on the website. Umm, it might be from a year or so in the past, but usually students are able to access that information or applicants, I should say.
Alejandro Sanchez
05:47:38 PM
Eliza: Certainly! Please find the course catalog here:
Alejandro Sanchez
05:47:40 PM
Supriya: the average week for an MPP student typically includes about 6-8 hours of classroom time, with an additional 10-12 hours dedicated to homework, reading, and preparation outside of class.
Rachel Jin
05:47:43 PM
is it true that Jackson has a partnership with CIA and do not take students from mainland china?
Rachel has a question. Is it true that Jackson has a partnership with CIA and does not take students from mainland China?
Supriya Gokarn
05:48:15 PM
@alejandro your coursework sounds amazing, thanks for sharing!
That is not true. We do not have any restrictions on admissions based on a student citizenship or where they are coming from. Umm, we admit Chinese students. Umm, if not every year, then I would say it's quite common and certainly in most application years. So there are no restrictions for students and umm, admissions eligibility depending on citizenship. Again, we really are looking for that, uh, global background and global perspective.
Yes, Alejandro, his coursework does sound amazing, so thank you for sharing that perspective.
Alexandra Laing
05:48:41 PM
As an upcoming returned Peace Corps Response Volunteer, is there anything additional to consider in my application as it pertains to the Coverdell Fellowship?
Eliza Yadav
05:48:46 PM
How can we schedule a one on one meeting with admissions staff?
I'm going to give it another minute or so, umm, to see if there are any other questions that come into the chat. Umm, again, I just want to thank everyone so much for their time and their energy tonight. Or umm, you know, whatever time of day it is where you are.
Umm Eliza asked about scheduling one-on-one meetings with admission staff.
This is something that's done on the case by case basis depending on our availability. Umm, you're welcome to e-mail me and we can see if we can find a time to set up umm, but again, this is a really great space. If you have those questions, umm, we can absolutely be answering those now. You should know if you're interested in a one-on-one meeting. Umm, I'm very happy to answer questions that are in similar nature to what we've been discussing tonight. Umm I can't really give advice on a student or on their individual application. I can't give you, you know, what's your chance of getting accepted.
Or any of that information. So again, happy to meet, but all the questions that I'll be able to answer and that meeting are very similar to the questions that I can answer here.
Lavender Liu
05:49:59 PM
Hi Emily, thank you so much for the amazing session! I was wondering if the webinar will be shared?
Ameya Hadap
05:50:00 PM
Is there any way of indicating on the application that you're applying to another program in hopes of pursuing a joint degree? Do the two admissions offices communicate during the process at all?
Alexandra has a question that they around like. Anything additional to consider in their application as it pertains to the Coverdell Fellowship? Umm, I'm not quite sure if I understand the question. Like are you asking if there's any other additional information that you should be providing?
Laganeh Fadé
05:50:01 PM
Are there opportunities for travel as a student with MPP?
Brian Connor
05:50:03 PM
Thank you Emily your presentation was amazing, very clear, very knowledgeable and informative
Rhoda Quarshie
05:50:05 PM
What happens if the gre score is not ready by January?
If you could clarify a little bit that would be helpful.
So I may ask a question around the joint degree. This is a good question. Umm, yes, we do ask if you are considering a joint degree or if you will be applying for a joint degree. Umm, But the two admissions offices, we are not in contact. So you don't necessarily get a boost in our process just because you're applying for let's say the law school, umm and vice versa. You know they won't give you umm any benefit in the application process.
If you go through both of our application processes separately and are accepted to both and that's when we come together and say, hey, oh, we have these students who are interested in the joint degree program. So yes, you can mark that on your application, but it we don't coordinate during that process.
Alexandra Laing
05:50:56 PM
Thank you for the clarifying question. Yes, I was wondering if there's any other information I should be highlighting in my application specifically.
Oh, great question. Are there any opportunities for travel as a student with the MPP? There are so many questions or so many opportunities. Yes, first and foremost, of course, is that summer experience, right, You can.
Do that anywhere in the US you could go abroad. That's quite common as well. Umm, we have our students typically in fall break, I believe of their first year or possibly their second year, go down to Washington DC for a networking trip. Umm, it's pretty common for them to take trips to New York as well. And then a number of our classes also have a travel component. Umm, I was talking to a student and I, I can't recollect you, but they are taking a course on something along the lines of, you know, how are we developing economies and nations across the world and like getting.
Involved in the workforce and as part of that course they are actually traveling to India with their class and their professor. So absolutely, we are a global affairs institution and so it's important for students to see perspectives from across the entire globe.
Rhoda had a question. What happens if the GRE score is not ready by January? We will not consider your application complete until you have that GRE score submitted. So umm, that's right, Something really should be mindful of. Make sure that you're hitting that, umm, that timeline when it comes to the GRE. Make sure that you have that score ready again right around January 2nd. Umm, if you, you know, just cannot have that GRE score ready in time for the application deadline, then it might be worth considering applying.
For the upcoming application year. But again we cannot consider your application complete and thus cannot admit you without that GRE score.
Alejandro Sanchez
05:52:31 PM
Laganeh: There are definitely opportunities for travel as an MPP student! As I mentioned, I traveled to the African Sahel as part of a class, but other courses take students around the world for on-the-ground experience in places like China, Taiwan, Jordan, Brazil, India, and many others.
Ameya Hadap
05:52:32 PM
Thanks Emily! If accepted to the other Yale program but not MPP, is it possible to reapply to the MPP program during our first year in the other program?
Alejandro Sanchez
05:52:33 PM
Hi Alexandra! Please check out our site with additional information on the Paul D. Coverdell Fellows: If you have further questions about how your Peace Corps experience might relate to the fellowship, feel free to reach out to us at
Giselle Nascimento Dias
05:52:34 PM
How experiential/practical would you say the program is?
Victoria Stricker
05:52:34 PM
For international students who have visas, are they able to do internships in the US?
Rachel Jin
05:52:35 PM
if i take another gre before the deadline and score better can i send it and replace the first score?
OK, I've got a lot of questions coming in at the last minute.
And I know Alejandro is adding some really great context so.
Yeah, I appreciate him sharing his student experience.
There's a question, if you're accepted to, you know, applying to the joint degree and you're accepted to the other program but not to the MPP, is it possible to reapply to the MPP while you're in the first year of another program? To my knowledge, this generally depends on what the other school is that you're interested in. I would recommend going on their website, they'll have some more specific information about the application process and what it looks like. So it can be a little bit different depending school.
Alexandra Laing
05:53:38 PM
Thanks, Alejandro!
There's a question around like how experimental or practical is the program?
As an interesting way to frame that question, I'm not sure I've heard it asked like that before. Umm, I don't know that I would classify it as particularly experimental, umm, as certainly I suppose it could be if you wanted. Umm, I think it depends on how we're choosing to define experimental. Uh, But as I said earlier, most students are coming into Jackson with at least a sense of what they want to do afterwards.
Alejandro Sanchez
05:54:21 PM
Giselle: The program is definitely practice-oriented! We have a wide array of practitioners who bring a wealth of field experience into the classroom, allowing students to engage directly with real-world challenges. You can check out our faculty and practitioners here to learn more about their backgrounds and expertise:
And they're spending those two years working around that, right? So if they know they want to be in the cybersecurity space, then they're able to take classes that focus on that and work with faculty who are interested in that area. It's certainly not to say that they can only ever do things in that one particular space, right? It's, it's quite flexible.
But again, students are really able to gain a lot of that hands on experience and Alejandro just added some really great context as to that as well.
Rachel yes, yeah, I believe you can send another GRE score. So you take the GRE twice, you get a better score the second time. Just make sure that you are sending that score to us when you take the exam.
Alright, we're nearing the end, only about 5 minutes left, so this is just about the last call for applications.
Or applications. Excuse me for questions. This is what happens when you talk for an hour straight.
Alejandro Sanchez
05:55:07 PM
Victoria: Internships for international students on visas are definitely possible, and Yale’s Office of International Students and Scholars does an excellent job of accommodating and guiding students through the visa process to ensure compliance. This is a conversation to have directly with them, as they provide tailored support for international students looking to gain work experience in the U.S.
Brian Connor
05:55:21 PM
Thank you Emily
Giselle Nascimento Dias
05:55:22 PM
Thank you so much!
Alright, I'm not seeing any other questions come in, so I think we can go ahead and wrap up there. I want to thank everyone so much for their time tonight and being here and joining us. Again. If you do have questions, you can see our contact information up on the screen. Please be in touch as any questions might come up throughout the application process. But thank you so much to everybody and have a great night.